Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva

Candidate for the position of Dau's housemaid Institute years: 1956 1934 Born in Klin (Moscow region) into a military family. 1939 Relocated to Kharkov due to father’s job. 1941 Evacuated to Tashkent with mother. Participated in children’s theatre at school. 1951 Moves to Moscow to attend the MGIMO International Economic Faculty. Studies Spanish and English. 1953 Expelled from the Moscow State Institute. Enters the Shchepkin Higher Theatre School of the State Academic Maly Theatre of Russia. 1955 Expelled from the Theatre School. Goes to work in MGDPiO (Moscow City House of Pioneers and Octoberists) as assistant director of circle dance. 1956 Candidate for the position of Dau’s housekeeper at the Institute. Notes Hobbies: horse riding, literature.

Participated in Films

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