Darya Berzhitskaya
Junior research scientist: biochemistry laboratory Institute years: 1952-1953 1919 Born in Moscow 1933 Joins the Komsomol 1936 Graduates from music school in piano 1936 Enters the V.M. Molotov Moscow Power Engineering Institute in the electricity department. 1937 Interrupts training due to a conflict with a teacher. Marries A.S. Losev. 1938 Employed as an assistant in the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1942 Recruited to the Institute in the position of assistant to the Director of the Biochemistry. Laboratory Y.G. Kot. 1949 Enrolled in the Physics Department of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. 1952 Promoted to the position of junior researcher in the Biochemistry Laboratory. 1953 Resigns from the Institute together with her husband.