Andrey Chuenkov
Member of a special experimental group commissioned by the KGB and the Council of Ministers (USSR) Institute years: 1968 1944 Born in Moscow on 10th November. 1959 Entered the Moscow Engineering-Economic Institute. 1964 Completes training at the Engineering-Economic Institute. Began serving with the KGB frontier troops. 1966 Goes into the reserves. Lives in Moscow, teaches boxing at Dynamo sports society. 1967 Becomes a member of a special group set up by the KGB to participate in experiments. 1968 Sent to the Institute. Data after 8th November is classified. Awards and honours 17 years of experience in weightlifting. 22 years of martial arts experience. Participates in competitions. Jumping with a parachute. Adept at dancing, singing, drawing. Without bad habits.