Alexey Blinov
Head of the Experimental Department; married to Irina Titova Institute years: 1937-1968 1907 He was born on July 13th in Moscow into a family of engineers. 1925 Enters medical school (Medical College № 2 Tsetkin Clara). 1925 Marries Tamara Goponovoy. A son, Peter, is born. 1928 Travels to Holland. Enters Utrehstky University in the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Defends his thesis on the topic ‘The equipment and facilities of measurement and control techniques’. 1931 Breaks relations with Tamara Goponovoy. Moves to the UK. 1931 Studies at the University of Sheffield. Defends his thesis on the topic ‘Methods of application of electrical equipment’. 1934 Studies at the University of Birmingham. Defends his thesis on the topic ‘Application of modern electronics for communication and control systems’. 1935 Marries Elizabeth Titkomb. 1938 Divorces Elizabeth Titkomb. Returns to Moscow. Headed the Institute experimental department at the invitation of academician A.A. Krupitsa. 1939 Marries I.V. Titova, senior laboratory assistant in the Spatial Fluctuations Laboratory. 1942 Begins to develop a device for wireless transmission of energy. Studies the properties of orgone energy. 1943 Defends his doctoral thesis on ‘Some aspects of the wireless transfer of energy’ in the Lebedev Institute of Physics USSR. 1952 Winner of the Stalin Prize of I degree. 1956 Divorces I.V. Titova. 1966 Cohabits with his assistant, A.A. Alekseeva. 1968 No data available after November 8th. Awards and honours Cavalier of the Order of Lenin. Officer of the Order of the Red Banner. Medal for excellence. Experiments include the Railgun (1942), the orgone accumulator (1952), Cloudbuster (1952), Vortex (1952), Ionolet (1966), Helmet of Communism (1968). Notes Nonpartisan.